The definition of mammography is the study of the breast using x ray.  The breast is placed between two plates which press the breast to flatten them. 

An ultra sound is a diagnostic tool that uses high frequency sound waves. These waves bounce off of tissues and then make a picture which is called a sonogram. Ultrasound images are made without the use of invasive techniques.

Breast thermography is a technique that images the breast using infrared sensors through heat.  The images are taken at normal temperature and then with a decrease in body temperature. The change in the blood flow to the breast tissue shows potential breast challenges. These changes could be related to tumour growth.  This technique is also non invasive to the body.

I have had all three of the aforementioned procedures.  Thermography and ultrasounds done on the breast have no pain involved but the mammogram had an intense amount of pain involved with the procedures.  But what are really important are results.  What type of results does each of the procedures provide?

The Globe and Mail published an article on November 22nd, 2012 about a report in the New England Journal of Medicine stating, “that mammograms are leading to “substantial over diagnosis” of breast cancer. Over the last 30 years, more than one million women in the United States have been unnecessarily treated for breast cancer that would never have developed into a life threatening disease as a result of mammograms, the researchers said.  The study also found that mammograms have only resulted in a slight decrease in the number of women with advanced cases of breast cancer.” Now that is scary information considering Dr. Eli Jones stated back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that the breast should never be squeezed or handled roughly but should be gently examined to determine the type of tumour and treated accordingly. 

The web site breast cancer stated that, “A breast ultrasound is not considered a screening test, but an investigative technology used for taking a closer look at areas of your breast that your doctor still has questions about after doing a mammogram and clinical breast exam. Ultrasounds produce sharp, high contrast images. In dense breast tissue, the ultrasound can create an image that often allows a doctor to distinguish between a fluid-filled cyst and a solid mass. Mammograms do not make this distinction as accurately, though they are better than ultrasounds at detecting micro calcifications.”  The interesting fact is that “micro calcifications are associated with extra cell activity in breast tissue. Usually the extra cell growth is not cancerous.” As well I find it interesting that doctors use ultrasounds to see details they couldn’t see from the mammogram x rays.  Why don’t they just use the ultra sounds to begin with and say time, money on two diagnostic tests and get the best results the first time.

Thermography takes a different approach, it is about early prevention and not early detection.  Being proactive is always better than being reactive.  As the blood vessels dilate and constrict a true picture is revealed within the breast tissue.

I believe my role with the Healthy Habits articles is to provide information so you can make decisions that feel comfortable for you.  You should never ever make a decision based on fear. 

Next week’s article will be on fear and the affects of fear on the body.

Diane Elms D.H.M.H.S., CCI, CCII Homeopath, specialist in drugless cancer care, 2006 Iridologist of the Year.  If you have any health related questions please feel free to contact Diane at or 905 768 0848.