Short article today. Every time you go and get a test done of any kind, get your results. Do not rely on your doctor to tell you everything is fine. That means every time you get blood work done or a test of any kind, like an ultra sound or CT scan or anything, get the report.

You might be thinking but what good is it to me, I don’t know how to read them or even what is being said. I bet if you read a CT scan report or an ultra sound or an x-ray that stated, 50% compression fracture right aspect of the L3 vertebral body , T7, T10 and T 11 consistent with metastatic disease of breast cancer, you would understand that. Pretty straight forward wouldn’t you think.

Let me share what recently happened with one of my patients. In January she was experiencing pain under the rib on the right side. The pain was so bad she went to the hospital to get checked out. Since they knew she had had breast cancer they did a CT scan, ultra sound and x-ray as well as blood work. The final conclusion she was told and she had a friend with her to confirm what was said, she was compacted with fecal matter, in other words, she was extremely constipated. That is all she was told.

Over the past several months she has had back problems, muscle tightness, pulled muscles and pain. She has been to many practitioners and health care professionals for help with her back and muscles. One Monday in June she felt she really did something to her back and went to urgent care for help. Urgent care did an x-ray only to make reference to her CT scan, ultra sound and x ray done back in January. The reference was clear, she has bone cancer and it was progressing. Needless to say she was shocked and so was her friend that took her to urgent care, the same friend who took her to the hospital in January and assured me there was never any mention of bone cancer.

Needless to say I requested the January CT scan, ultra sound, x-ray and blood work. Not only did it confirm her original pain was gall stone related, the report states positive Murphy’s sign. A Murphy test is a way to diagnose gallbladder issues and the other tests confirmed large gallstones. The gallstone issue was also never mentioned to her.

She is now six months behind on dealing with bone cancer!

I can’t make this stuff up, she is not the first and probably not the last that this will happen to. Be proactive and get a copy of ALL your lab and diagnostic tests.

Diane Elms Homeopath, D.H.M.H.S., CCI, CCII, Specializing in Drugless Cancer Care, 2006 Iridologist of the Year, contact or 905 768 0848.