Here in Ontario we have four seasons. Each of the four seasons have an important role to play.

The fall is about harvesting and gathering what was planted in the spring and summer. It is a time to do canning and freeze for the winter months ahead.
With each season, changes occur in the weather. These weather changes are important for the overall picture of nature. Maybe we, should look at each seasons change and see what changes we might need to incorporate in to our life for the overall picture.

One of my favourite quotes goes like this, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Change can be good. Let me share a little story from one of my patients. My patient worked as a specialty mechanic, he had to work shifts and weekends. He has two grade school girls and he missed out on a lot of their activities and life seemed chaotic at times. He often said he wished he had a different job that allowed him more time with his family. 3 weeks ago he got laid off. Today I received an email from him stating he just got a new job straight days, weekends off. The moral of the story is, sometimes change comes our way and maybe just maybe they might be a good thing, if and this is the key, if we embrace them.

Is it time for some changes in your life or are you going to just keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result?

Fall is also a time to be thankful. Maybe your first change could be being thankful.

Diane Elms Homeopath, D.H.M.H.S., CCI, CCII, Specializing in Drugless Cancer Care, 2006 Iridologist of the Year, if you have any health related questions contact or 905 768 0848.